วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

My song

Song name : Shut-up

There you go
You're always so right
It's all a big show
It's all about you
You think you know
What everyone needs
You always take time to criticize me
It seems like everyday
I make mistakes
I just can't get it right
It's like
I'm the one you love to hate But not today.

So shut up shut up shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out get out get out
Get out of my way
Step up step up step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say can change
You'll never bring me down

So there you go
You never ask why
It's all a big lie
Whatever you do
You think you're special
But I know and I know and I know And we know that you're not
You're always there to point
Out my mistakes
And shove them in my face
It's like I'm the one you love to hate
But not today.

So shut up shut up shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out get out get out
Get out of my way
Step up step up step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say can change
And gonna bring me down
Gonna bring me down.
Will never bring me down.

Don't tell me who I should be
Don't try to tell me what's right for me
Don't tell me what I should do
Cause I don't wanna waste my time
Watch you fade away

So shut up shut up shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out get out get out
Get out of my way
Step up step up step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say can change
And gonna me down I don't wanna hear it
Get out get out Get out of my way
Step up step up You'll never stop me
Nothing you say can change
And bring me down Won't bring me down
Won't bring me down B
ring me down
Won't bring me down Shut up shut up.

The meaning of this song is about a boy who meets with a friend who loves to criticize him. In this time I call him a Noname for easy to. Every time when he does something .Noname would went to scold. Because Noname think Noname specie man more other people especially him. And Noname think he make a many problem to other people. But Noname doesn't know what Noname think not true. But one day, he can’t endure about what Noname does it again. He went to show about his power and expulsion Noname from his life.And from this time. Noname can’t control and stop him because in this time he doesn’t listen Noname again. He wants to show what he want to be is. He doesn’t want who order him to be what he doesn’t want. Because he knows a way of him life and he want walk in this way by doesn’t care anyone. Finally, anyone can’t stop him especially Noname.

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parents Opinions

My parents don’t care about I smart or learn good. They care about what I love to do and I can do this good. They hope me grow to good man more genesis. And my mother think in society has worse person. She worry they will make me to like them or make me pain. She worry if they make me pain, I can’t endure and go to die. But my father doesn’t think like that. He thinks society very good. He thinks society now very difficult to still alive. If society hard to service, Society can make me to good man and I will go to make society to good more now. And my father doesn’t like my school very much. I try to quite him but he not asks me. Opposite my mother, she very like my school because my school has many good teacher can make me good.
I think my mother different my father. My father is savage because he grows with hard way. This makes him to this. But my mother grows with love of my garn parents.
I think I like two think of my parents very much. Although two think are very different. I like this because my parents think can show what they feel to me.

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

How I feel when I do something special or important

When I do something very important. I feel I should pay attention to do this and try to not do this the bad way. Although it is very hard, sometimes I worry and ask myself “Can I do this”. When I do this I must try to get spirit from my friend and other who I love. Explain of this event is the concert in English camp of my school. My team has sung in final. This can make us too anxious. Because this very important to get point of grade and affect to my image. Before I go to show this, I get a spirit from my best friend. It can help me to be clam-heart and make me to try about this. Finally I can pass this and this pass is good. And the other event is I go to computation of game. This is a first of my mind. This very important because this event I be agent of my team to compete. In this time I am 10 years old. And I go to race with people who is being 20 years old up. First time when the race is start. My first competitor is very excellently. But I can pass this to a top 5 player. This gives fame to my team very much.

วันพุธที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

My profile

Hello, my name is Peerasit Koosivinij. I write this Blog because this is my work in English class. In this time, I will write about my mind. I was born on 25 January 1992. Yes, my star sign is Capricorn. I live in Bangkok in Thailand. I live with my family. My family has my parents 3 brother 1 sister 1 uncle and 1 ant. My favorite colors are black, red and white. I like to asethe internet and play game. My favorite game's name is Final Fantasy project because this story, graphic, OST, Song and system is very good. But this game is hard to play and finish 100%. Many people play this game to 50-60% of the end because enough is very hard to clear. But I can end this game 100%. My other favorite game name is Silent Hill. This is good scream-game. This game story about doctrine name Silent Hill stay in city name Silent Hill. And my character goes in to this city because they have many resons. Although I very good to play game. But in my class.
I very fool to learn English and math. Now, I try to learn it very much.
This is my story from past to now.

Young people to day

Now, young people in Thailand are very bad. Many children like to use drugs. This can make them have problem. Because of this .Many girls go to sell her virginity and freedom. This can make her life to evil. For boys, they go to be thief or smuggle. Everyday many children die because they do about this. Many girls die because they have HIV. Now, HIV can’t cure easy although can cure but this very expensive to cure and Thailand doesn’t have a medicine to cure HIV.
Boys die because they are killed by the gun or other. A thing because they steal importer item or many money for somewhere.
Some people go to prison and don’t have dream about tomorrow any more. If every children in country same they, Thailand would go to bad and fall some time. But Thailand is very lucky. Thailand has many good children. They try to do every good work for their society and country such as they go to help people who were injured in many dangerous places from natural disasters.
They don’t care about minified. They want to see every body smile and happy. If Thailand have peopled same as them, Thailand will improve. This is my thinking now.

What society expects of me

Today, many parents want to make their children in to a genius. And teachers want the same as this. But they don’t care about what they can make their children to a good people for world. It is more important than if they can make their children in to a genius. But I’m very lucky because my parents and my teachers want to make me to be good a preson more than a genius. Although I can’t do it now. But I promise I will do it for sure. But now, in society want a genius more than a good preson. If they are still loke this, The country will go to end. I hope in the future society will be changed by many good people who want make a country to be good. Now society can’t develop because societies have many genius but they don’t good present and he go to pry minister. Although they can make country about money or technology. But they can’t control many people in country because they don’t take happy or peach if the prime minister doesn’t understand what people in country want to have it. But now, some people in country know and try to make a good present for country and I hope they can do this succeed.a good

วันจันทร์ที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Culture is important for tour. One county has it only one. This is miracle of many counties. For example, Thailand has a many temple and many culture because in past Thailand has war to fight with county around Thailand. In this event Thailand can get many people from many counties to Thailand. Although they did a prisoner of war but they can do about them culture county.
And other reason Thailand has many culture because Thailand in the past exchange with many county such China, England, France, Japan, Dutch, Indie and most other.
Although some culture in Thailand make a oppose in Thailand and make many people to die. But I still like this because culture is beautiful. This a important in county. This makes by religion and believes in people in this county. And this can make we know about history of this county and it will still live although time pass many year. But now many people do not care about their culture. They look like try to destroy their culture. They do not care temple. They blow color spay on the wall of temple and drink Bear in Temple. Some woman try to tempt monk make bad.
I am very sad about this. If we don’t have culture, county will go to end. I think we should try to take care us culture more try to destroy this. I hope culture in county still with people forever .