วันพุธที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What society expects of me

Today, many parents want to make their children in to a genius. And teachers want the same as this. But they don’t care about what they can make their children to a good people for world. It is more important than if they can make their children in to a genius. But I’m very lucky because my parents and my teachers want to make me to be good a preson more than a genius. Although I can’t do it now. But I promise I will do it for sure. But now, in society want a genius more than a good preson. If they are still loke this, The country will go to end. I hope in the future society will be changed by many good people who want make a country to be good. Now society can’t develop because societies have many genius but they don’t good present and he go to pry minister. Although they can make country about money or technology. But they can’t control many people in country because they don’t take happy or peach if the prime minister doesn’t understand what people in country want to have it. But now, some people in country know and try to make a good present for country and I hope they can do this succeed.a good

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Anna กล่าวว่า...

I like your blog because it shows what society expects children in the society it not only you but you are in that part. It shows why our society cannot develop quickly although our society has a lot of technology and a lot of people who has a doctor’s degree because our society has a few of good people. You told me about why society has a few good people because the parents now want their children to be genius and teach them to be genius, do not be a good person. I think you are very lucky because your parents do not expect you to be a genius and you promised that you will be a good person for our society. Let’s do it.

DOreME กล่าวว่า...

Hi P. I am Dome . I think the thing that you wrote is right. It is about now in the society want us to be genius but do not really care about make us to be the good people. And I think the same with you that good person is more important than genius person. Our society will better if we have a lot of good people and I think our society will very bad if there are a lot of genius people but they are bad. But you don’t think that all of the school always want to make students to be genius but doesn’t care what students do. I think our school is one of the good schools that want to make us to be good people so we are lucky.